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Root Zenfone 1.3R Untuk Zenfone 5 Dan 6

Root Zenfone 1.3R Untuk Zenfone 5 Dan 6
Support CN/WW/TW version 4.3/4.4
Before installation considerations:
* Go to Settings >> Security >> Select "Unknown sources"
* Open File Manager, click the install apk
* Turn off WiFi, if there is a connection to an AP, make "clear setting"
* Turn off the data network, or open flight mode
Caranya nggak jauh beda dengan Root Asus ZenFone 5 TW Firmware.
Monggo dicoba...

2 komentar:

  1. root saya gagal sehingga demo device muncul terus gimana nih.... dicoba format tetap masih ada, gak tau lagi mau diapain ni zefi5 ku.... minta solusi dong....???? ;((

    1. Coba di hard rest dl Gan...
      Klo tetap ga bs di-flash ulang Gan...
      Makasih atas kunjungannya...


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